"Dr. John’s second line funeral ... with horse-drawn hearse to carry the coffin, jazz musicians, enormous New Orleans crowd.." (Image: by Brett Duke NOLA.com/The Times Picayune (Virginia Billeaud Anderson - BoudinandBourbon.com writes a few words of tribute to Dr. John.)
Boudin, Bourbon, Voodoo and the Feast of the Assumption - Blogging about Food, Booze, Archaeology, Dive Bars - Essays and Interviews
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Dr. John’s Second Line Jazz Funeral - New Orleans - A Closer Look
Dr. John,
Image Brett Duke,
Jazz Funeral,
Malcolm John Rebennack,
New Orleans,
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Slobbering Cow: Questions for Amita Bhatt - Interview
Amita Bhatt, “No Straight Answers,” 48 x 48 inches, Oil on Canvas, 2015 |
"...you take partial inspiration from the Greek maenads, drunk frenzied bitches who’ll tear you to shreds..."
Amita Bhatt,
Art Exhibition,
Between Light and Shadow,
Deborah Colton Gallery,
Deepak Kannal,
Hindu Philosophy,
Mumbai Riots,
Monday, June 10, 2019
My Visit to Rays Real Pit Bar-B-Q Shack in Houston - A Closer Look
Rays Real Pit Bar B-Q Sample Mix of Brisket, Ribs, Sausage |
"The first thing I did was walk to the back of the building, to try to snoop around. I wanted to see the pit.." (Virginia Billeaud Anderson - BoudinandBourbon.com visits Rays Real Pit Bar-B-Q Shack in Houston, owned by Herb Taylor, Ray Busch and Maxine Davis. Learn about the food, River Falls, Rays House Rub and some Bar-B-Q History.)
Bar-B-Q History,
Herb Taylor,
House Rub,
Houston Bar-B-Q,
Maxine Davis,
Ray Busch,
Rays Real Pit Bar-B-Q Shack,
River Falls